Thursday, 11 August 2011


The light through the trees is beautiful. Low golden sun touching the remnants of this dark day. Oozing from the edges of leaves and falling into liquid amber pools, its soft fingers spread honey on the cold hard ground.

“Love what you do. Learn balance. Take rests. Trust your instincts.” - Leith Clark


Mari G said...

I love the 'low golden sun touching remnants of this dark day.' We still await some sunshine here, Susannah.
Your quote is great too especially to 'trust your instincts,' -I like that.

Hildred said...

We had dinner alfresco tonight and my eye caught the beauty of the light shimmering through the leaves, but I could never have described it as beautifully as you have.

Elizabeth said...

Susannah, this is beautiful and vivid. I see it,


Anonymous said...

You are becoming incredibly adept at describing light. It is one of the things I like the most about your writing. Gorgeous!

Susannah said...

Thank you all very much. :-)

I had a front row seat as I watched the scene unfold, it really was beautiful.

Good to see you all. x

Barb said...

I can see this beautiful light from your description of it. I love the line, "its soft fingers spread honey on the cold hard ground."

Susannah said...

Thanks Barb. Good to see you. :-)

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