Tuesday, 19 July 2011

At the end of the day

Yellow light dazzles and daubs. I am smeared in sunshine.

"Follow the river and you will find the sea." - French Proverb


Barb said...

You have the best way of painting word pictures. I'm enjoying your stones very much!

Hildred said...

Y:our choice of words is beautiful, - paints a lovely scene.

Susannah said...

Barb and Hildred and Charles. . .
Thanks very much for visiting and reading my words. :-)

It is wonderful to share a moment with you all. x

earlybird said...

I LOVE the idea of being smeared in sunshine. Like butter...

Susannah said...

Thanks earlybird and Mama Zen. :-)

Elizabeth said...

Vivid image and I relish the feel of what you have painted,


Susannah said...

Thanks very much Elizabeth. x

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